Luke Rosten

Luke Rosten Piano


Keyboard, Music Theory, Composition, Piano


Lessons start any time regardless of school terms. To inquire about more teachers or other available times, please follow the "Register now " button.

Available Days:



Classical, Rock, Jazz, Pop, EDM and more., EDM

Instagram: @lukerosten

Facebook: Luke Rosten –  Musician

Lessons start any time regardless of school terms. To inquire about more teachers or other available times, please follow the “Register now ” button.


Luke Rosten is a professional musician and piano player based in the Northern Rivers area. Luke has a bachelor of Contemporary Music and Education at Southern Cross University. He has experience performing in such bands as Undercover, Ladyslug and Mr. Speaker. Luke’s passion is writing and composing songs and soundtracks. He is one of the most experimental musicians on the North Coast.

He teaches all musical styles such as jazz, classical, pop, rock, EDM and more. Piano classes, music theory classes and compositions classes are all available. All ages and skill levels welcome.

Video of his work: “Disposition” written, composed and played by Luke Rosten in April 2020