Thomas Dobson

Intermediate, Advanced, Beginners
Available Days:
Tuesday, Thursday
Lessons start any time regardless of school terms. To inquire about more teachers or other available times, please follow the “Register now ” button.
Thomas has been playing the drums for 17 years and teaching drums for 3 years. He received a Bachelor of Music from JMC Academy in Sydney in 2022 and has been teaching since then.
Although he always loved music from a young age, he didn’t start on the drum kit. Instead, he began with piano and trombone—quite different from the drums, but he is grateful for how those instruments helped build a strong musical foundation.
Thomas has a deep passion for all things music and believes it is a vital channel for creativity in life. He also believes that all children should learn music in some capacity. His favourite genres include Rock, Soul, and Funk, and he is inspired by musicians such as Jamiroquai, Muse, John Mayer, Snarky Puppy, Led Zeppelin, and Red Hot Chili Peppers.